Sunday, 6 October 2013

Broken heart quotes Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

I hope you like these sad Broken Heart Quotes from my large collection of sad quotes and sayings about life and love. I also have a whole website devoted to Broken Heart Quotes.

Lovers who have been left, lose confidence and become afraid.
They learn to leave relationships first.
The broken hearted become the heart breakers.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Related topics: Sad Feeling-Down Romantic Love Relationship

The heart will break, but broken live on.
- Lord Byron

A broken heart is what makes life so wonderful five years later,
when you see the guy in an elevator and he is fat and
smoking a cigar and saying long-time-no-see.
- Phyllis Battelle

It makes my heart sick when I remember all the good
words and the broken promises.
- Chief Joseph

When I found I had given birth to a human wreckage,
to a child that was an imbecile, my heart was broken.
- Victoria Woodhull

It's really good to be able to think about past loves
without having a pit in my stomach,
or cringing or feeling heart-broken,
or like they hate you.
Don't you think?
- Winona Ryder

My heart has never been broken, I've never broken anyone else's.
- Mariah Carey

A broken heart is a very pleasant complaint for a man
in London if he has a comfortable income.
- George Bernard Shaw

I think that's very sad, that I haven't allowed my heart to be broken.
I have broken a few.
- Sally Field

The tender heart, the broken and contrite spirit,
are to me far above all the joys that I could ever
hope for in this vale of tears.
- Charles Simeon

The heart is the only broken instrument that works.
- T. E. Kalem

It is strange how often a heart must be broken before
the years can make it wise.
- Sara Teasdale

You're creating an intimacy that everybody feels,
that it's their experience, not yours.
I'll never introduce a song and say,
now this song is about 'my' broken heart.
- Diana Krall

It is not the broken heart that kills,
but broken pride, monseigneur.
- Gilbert Parker

Some women feel the best cure for a broken heart is a new beau.
- Gene Tierney

My own will and desires were now very much broken,
and my heart was with much earnestness turned to the Lord,
to whom alone I looked for help in the dangers before me.
- John Woolman

I guess you could write a good song if your heart hadn't been broken,
but I don't know of anyone whose heart hasn't been broken.
- Lucinda Williams

many a shaft, at random sent, Finds mark the archer little meant!
And many a word, at random spoken, May soothe or wound a heart that's broken!
- Walter Scott

I've never had my heart broken.
- Sally Field

The human heart has hidden treasures,
In secret kept, in silence sealed; The thoughts,
the hopes, the dreams, the pleasures,
Whose charms were broken if revealed.
- Charlotte Bronte

If you've got to my age, you've probably had your heart broken many times.
So it's not that difficult to unpack a bit of grief
from some little corner of your heart and cry over it.
- Emma Thompson

There are three rules for dating:
1) Don't;
2) If you must, just be careful;
3) Forget the rules, your hormones will win anyway.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

You know you love someone when you know
you want them to be happy,
even if their happiness means
that you are not a part of it.
- Anonymous

Love never dies a natural death. It dies because
we don't know how to replenish its source.
It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals.
It dies of illness and wounds;
it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings.
- Anais Nin

I know that some endeavor to throw the mantle of romance
over the subject and treat woman like some ideal existence,
not liable to the ills of life.
Let those deal in fancy who have nothing better to deal in;
we have to do with sober,
sad realities, with stubborn facts.
- Ernestine Rose

The reason why the world lacks unity,
and lies broken and in heaps,
is, because man is disunited with himself.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Rules are mostly made to be broken
and are too often for the lazy to hide behind.
- Douglas MacArthur

It is any day better to stand erect
with a broken and bandaged head
then to crawl on one's belly,
in order to be able to save one's head.
- Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi

A tree that is unbending, is easily broken.
- Lao Tzu

A broken bone can heal, but the wound
a word opens can fester forever.
- Jessamyn West

The chains of habit are too weak to be felt
until they are too strong to be broken.
- Samuel Johnson

Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die,
life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly.
- Langston Hughes

Have we not come to such an impasse in the modern world
that we must love our enemies - or else?
The chain reaction of evil -
hate begetting hate, wars producing more wars -
must be broken, or else we shall be plunged
into the dark abyss of annihilation.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

When a man you like switches from what
he said a year ago, or four years ago,
he is a broad-minded person who has courage enough
to change his mind with changing conditions.
When a man you don't like does it,
he is a liar who has broken his promise.
- Franklin Pierce Adams

The violets in the mountains have broken the rocks.
- Tennessee Williams

There is a secret wisdom-of-the-ages
that holds the key to breaking our
cycle of self-imposed suffering.
The secret wisdom is, "Life is not supposed to be fair."
This is not sad news. This is GLORIOUS news!
Life is not broken. Nothing is wrong.
God has not failed, died, or gone on vacation.
The world is working perfectly. We just misunderstood.
Somewhere along the way, someone got the idea that
life was "supposed" to be "fair,"
and all the trouble started -
expectation, disappointment, resentment, anger -
a whole cycle of suffering that began
with the belief that life is "supposed" to be "fair."
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Most of us believe that we have
been betrayed by someone outside of us -
in other words someone has done something to hurt us,
been dishonest or broken a promise made:
some trust in some concept was broken.
Indeed someone may have taken an action
that took only their needs into consideration,
they may have not followed through on a promise made,
and they may have not told you the truth.
But their actions have nothing to do with you
and have everything to do with them.
That's why no one can do anything TO you.
They can take actions that involve you that you may not like -
according to your point of view.
But you are not a victim, no way, no how.
- Sheri Rosenthal

Forgiveness is the answer to the child's dream of a
miracle by which what is broken is made whole again,
what is soiled is made clean again.
- Dag Hammarskjold

Broken heart quotes Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

Broken heart quotes Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

Broken heart quotes Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

Broken heart quotes Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

Broken heart quotes Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

Broken heart quotes Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

Broken heart quotes Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

Broken heart quotes Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

Broken heart quotes Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

Broken heart quotes Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

Broken heart quotes Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

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