Sunday, 6 October 2013

Sad love sayings and quotes Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

Sad Sayings about Love

I won't miss you. I will miss who I thought you were.
- Anonymous

It is far better to be alone, than to be in bad company.
- George Washington

Love is like war: easy to begin but very hard to stop.
- H. L. Mencken
Feeling sorry for yourself, and your present condition,
is not only a waste of energy
but the worst habit you could possibly have.
- Dale Carnegie

Today is your day to laugh at life,
laugh at what's funny - laugh at what's sad,
laugh loud - laugh often,
laugh at me - laugh at you - laugh at life.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Good Endings precede Good Beginnings.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Time cures all things.
- Proverb

Mistakes are, after all, the foundations of truth,
and if a man does not know what a thing is,
it is at least an increase in knowledge
if he knows what it is not.
- Carl Jung

True love is a process of co-creation
in which neither feels ownership or superiority.
Jealousy is a highly destructive force
for love and relationships.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

A mask tells us more than a face.
- Oscar Wilde

Love is never lost. If not reciprocated,
it will flow back and soften and purify the heart.
- Washington Irving

Those who cannot remember the past
are condemned to repeat it.
- George Santayana

If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life,
your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars.
- Rabindranath Tagore

Laugh, and the world laughs with you;
Weep, and you weep alone;
For the sad old earth must borrow its mirth,
But has trouble enough of its own.
- Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Sadness is nothing more than the absence of joy
in the same way that darkness
is nothing more than the absence of light.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

The regrets and resentments etched in a heart
remain until they are cleansed away with love.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow,
it only saps today of its joy.
- Leo Buscaglia

Sadness is a choice - sadness does not exist.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Most men lead lives of quiet desperation
and go to the grave with the song still in them.
- Henry David Thoreau

Speak when you are angry -
and you will make the best speech you'll ever regret.
- Laurence J. Peter

Language... has created the word "loneliness"
to express the pain of being alone.
And it has created the word "solitude"
to express the glory of being alone.
- Paul Tillich

Love is like the truth,
sometimes it prevails,
sometimes it hurts.
- Victor M. Garcia Jr.

A man is not old until his regrets take the place of his dreams.
- Yiddish Proverb

Men occasionally stumble over the truth,
but most of them pick themselves up
and hurry off as if nothing had happened.
- Winston Churchill

Misunderstanding arising from ignorance breeds fear,
and fear remains the greatest enemy of peace.
- Lester B. Pearson

Good humor is the health of the soul,
sadness is its poison.
- Lord Chesterfield

O! beware, my lord, of jealousy;
It is the green-eyed monster which
doth mock the meat it feeds on.
- William Shakespeare

Some things will never seem adequate
no matter how hard we try.
- from the movie White Man's Burden

A moment without joy is an eternity of sadness.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

A man's good name is his best monument
- from an old churchyard at Lockerbie, Scotland

I never considered a difference of opinion
in politics, in religion, in philosophy,
as cause for withdrawing from a friend.
- Thomas Jefferson

Man plans, God laughs
- Yiddish Proverb

It isn't the mountain ahead that wears you out;
it's the grain of sand in your shoe.
- Robert W. Service

If you are patient in one moment of anger,
you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.
- Chinese Proverb

It is far better to be alone,
than to be in bad company.
- George Washington

Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow...
but only empties today of its strength.
- C. H. Spurgeon

He who does not trust enough,
will not be trusted.
- Lao Tzu

It is darkest just before the dawn.
- Proverb

Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace.
- The Buddha

The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost.
- Gilbert (G. K.) Chesterton

Absence diminishes small loves and increases great ones,
as the wind blows out the candle and blows up the bonfire.
- Francois de la Rochefoucauld

Letting go doesn't mean giving up...
it means moving on.
- Anonymous

When you reach the end of your rope,
tie a knot and hang on.
- Anonymous Saying
(Sometimes attributed to Franklin D. Roosevelt,
Eleanor Roosevelt, or Thomas Jefferson)

Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth
until the hour of separation.

- Khalil Gibran

Sad love sayings and quotes Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

Sad love sayings and quotes Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

Sad love sayings and quotes Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

Sad love sayings and quotes Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

Sad love sayings and quotes Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

Sad love sayings and quotes Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

Sad love sayings and quotes Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

Sad love sayings and quotes Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

Sad love sayings and quotes Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

Sad love sayings and quotes Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

Sad love sayings and quotes Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

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