Thursday 3 October 2013

Sad love story quotes images Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

About a year ago I started talking to a guy I hadn't spoken to in a few years. We dated before that. He dates a lot now, but mentioned that no one has ever come close to the bar I set.
Black and white picture of a sad girl
 I guess this is the opposite of love story. I don't know what to call the feeling that we have but it is mutual. It took us a long while, but we have figured out and voiced the fact that even though we are simultaneously the same person and each other's opposites, we can't be together again. If we tried, our current situations would cause a great amount of resentment because I'm still trying to figure my life out and he's working on his. We live too far away and are probably going to be even further apart in a few months. If we try, there is a greater chance that it will fail, and our failures result in not being able to even speak for a while. I'm just not willing to risk not talking to him again for another few years just to try to uphold a relationship that has no chance right now. I think he feels the same way. So we date other people, and we lie to each other about things that could hurt. I know it sounds terrible, but I appreciate the lies. In a messed up way I know the truth but the lies are just because he is just trying to protect me and vice versa. I don't lie to selfishly keep him around. I lie because I know there are things he doesn't need to hear. I guess this is what sometimes "love" turns into when it doesn't work. Strong feelings don't ever really disappear do they? I feel very at peace with this situation even though I don't fully understand the emotions involved... maybe in a few years it can be something again or maybe we'll be lucky and meet people whom we can fall in love.

This is my story about how me and my friend became from friends to lovers.

From Friends to Lovers

 So I went to Kindergarten with my best friend when we were 5 years old and he ended up staying at the school until the 7th grade (the last year before high school) meanwhile I moved away to New York and went to 5 different schools after Kindergarten. When I moved back to Vancouver (where we live now) fate would have it that we ended up at the same high school. Funny enough, we despised each other in the 8th grade, as in we could not stand to be in the same room as each other let alone speak to each other.
Over the years we both matured and slowly became acquaintances, friends and last year (our final year of high school) we became best friends. Throughout all of grade 12 (senior year) every one told us that we would end up together etc. but we would always say that nothing would ever happen between us because we were just best friends. We ended up going to our prom together solely as best friends. At the beginning of this school year I was to move across the continent again for university and obviously we knew we'd miss each other. But somewhere along the way I questioned if I had begun having feelings for my best friend. I didn't want to explore the idea because we lived so far away and I did not want to risk losing my best friend. But when someone who has known you for 5 days (my new roommate) tells you that you and your best friend are going to get married one day you can’t help but question it and question yourself.
So on September 20th 2012, I took a shot of vodka or 3 and skyped my best friend to tell him that I had feelings for him. when he didn’t respond right away I told him to forget I ever said anything, that I was an idiot, and that he can make fun of me but not tomorrow because it'll hurt but maybe the next day. He proceeds to tell me that "you are not an idiot." I was confused and didn’t know what he meant and he laid it out for me and said that I shouldn't feel like an idiot for telling him I had feelings for him considering he's had feelings for me since the summer and didn't want to ruin things by telling me before I left. At that point we said nothing would change and we would reassess when I went home for Christmas break. I ended up going home for thanksgiving (surprising him) and while I waited for everyone to board the flight to return to university he called me and asked me if I could be his girlfriend even if he hadn't taken me out on a proper date yet, I obviously said yes. It happened – from friends to lovers! We have been dating ever since. I can't foresee any reason why he won't be the man I end up with down the road.

Sad love story quotes images Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

Sad love story quotes images Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

Sad love story quotes images Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

Sad love story quotes images Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

Sad love story quotes images Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

Sad love story quotes images Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

Sad love story quotes images Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

Sad love story quotes images Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

Sad love story quotes images Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

Sad love story quotes images Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

Sad love story quotes images Sad Love Quotes images Wallpapers Girls Story Peoms

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